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Chinese editorial calls for “tougher line to restore order” in Hong Kong

Chinese editorial calls for “tougher line to restore order” in Hong Kong

Author: Leonardo Pinho China Daily, a daily newspaper controlled by the Chinese Communist Party, published an editorial article that begins listing the supposed offenses committed by the “radical protesters” and…

New changes in one country, two systems, China opens a new model for Taiwan

New changes in one country, two systems, China opens a new model for Taiwan

(BOXUN) Demonstrators in Hong Kong have always regarded the United States as a symbol of democracy and freedom. The “urban conflict” of nearly six months has become increasingly uncontrollable. Most…

Party leadership may become the pinnacle of Chinese political power

Party leadership may become the pinnacle of Chinese political power

(BOXUN) The suspicions and rebel factions of the people took the revolutionary slogan, and the political prisoners standing on the high platform became the object of disdain. This is a…

To Understand Hong Kong “Violence”, read Johnson Yeung’s Twitter

To Understand Hong Kong “Violence”, read Johnson Yeung’s Twitter

[Johnson Yeung楊政賢 @hkjohnsonyeung] says the following in his Twitter: I want to tell a story about me and violence. It was back to July 21, I was dragging my body…

Who is the military parade to meet China National Day with a military parade?

Who is the military parade to meet China National Day with a military parade?

Today is October 1. An unprecedented military parade was held in Tiananmen Square, the political center of Beijing. This military parade celebrates the 70th anniversary of the founding of the…

Australian writer Yang Hengjun arrested in China

Australian writer Yang Hengjun arrested in China

A well-known writer and former Chinese official with Australian citizenship flew from New York to China on Friday despite warnings from friends who told him that it was too dangerous.…

Church Cross burned and taken down, ladies arrested because of telling families be aware of disease

Church Cross burned and taken down, ladies arrested because of telling families be aware of disease

Shouguang, Shandong Province: Flooded badly because three Reservoirs discharged at the same time to “protect” cities. Shouguang was under water, people and animals died. Government will never publish how many…

China’s State Media Publish ‘Confessions’ of Detained Journalist Chen Jieren

China’s State Media Publish ‘Confessions’ of Detained Journalist Chen Jieren

China’s state-run media have launched a blistering attack on prominent freelance journalist Chen Jieren, who was detained last month on suspicion of “fraud” and running an “illegal business.” State news…

ROBONICKEL project students participate in the international RobotChallenge championship

ROBONICKEL project students participate in the international RobotChallenge championship

Students of the ROBONICKEL project from Norilsk and Zapolyarny Russian cities participated in the international RobotChallenge championship, held from 10th until 12th of August in Beijing, China. RobotChallenge is one…

China’s forced TV confessions report now out in Chinese

China’s forced TV confessions report now out in Chinese

2018-06-18 We are pleased to announce that the only in-depth study of China’s illegal TV confessions, Scripted and Staged, is now available in Chinese, allowing readers for the first time…



NEW YORK. Veteran Chinese activist, Zhang Lin, has arrived in New York this afternoon (Jan 26, 2018), according to Reggie Littlejohn, President of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers. Littlejohn and her…

Billionaire accused of treating assistant as sex slave slapped with slander suit

Billionaire accused of treating assistant as sex slave slapped with slander suit

Guo Wengui — the Chinese billionaire accused of treating his personal assistant as a sex slave — has been hit with a new slander suit. Journalist Watson Meng, the Duke…