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Church Cross burned and taken down, ladies arrested because of telling families be aware of disease

Posted by on 2018/08/26. Filed under China,Headline News,Video. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

Shouguang, Shandong Province: Flooded badly because three Reservoirs discharged at the same time to “protect” cities. Shouguang was under water, people and animals died. Government will never publish how many died, but it did say 9,999 homes collapsed and over 20,000 pigs killed. The government did not send one single machine to rescue, did not send any help. The state media did not report. Leaving the dead pigs rotting. Two ladies reminded family and friends in their friend’s group of Wechat: do not eat too much pigs, be careful of disease. They were arrested, charged “spreading rumors”.

In Shenzhen, a girl was taken away by police in midnight from her home, she was told that she wrote on Internet, but did not tell her what exactly.

In 2003, LI Changqing (serving Fuzhou Daily when arrested) sent a repot to Boxun.com about a Dengue fever incident in the city, LI was sentenced three years for “spreading rumor), even though government admitted there was Dengue fever.

In Henan Province, Church cross burned and taken down.

This is China.

Please also keep in mind: YouTube suspended two Major Channels of Boxun, one channel is China Human Rights. About 5000 videos were removed. Reason is not accepted as our videos are in better shape than many other channels on YouTube. While two years ago, Facebook deleted Boxun and BowenPress accounts, suspected Bowen Press published article criticizing Lu Wei.

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