Advertise at Boxun
How to contact us:
If you would like to advertise on Boxun News, please contact us at:
Advertising specifications:
From as little as USD 100 per month (approximately EUR 80 or GBP 65), you can advertise on this website. You can pay by bank transfer or PayPal.
We accept ads in the main industry standards, including:
Ad sizes – 728×90, 468×60, 300×250, 120×600 and 160×600 pixels
File Formats – jpg, gif, png or Flash,
File size – no more than 40Kb.
Advertising policy:
To ensure a high standard of advertising on our site, advertising of products or services from the following categories are not accepted.
- Nudity or sexually explicit adverts
- Deceptive or misleading adverts
- Colonising adverts that spawn additional windows or messages
- Adverts that distribute adware/ spyware or viruses
- Adverts that auto-forward users’ browsers to different websites
- Adverts that resemble system dialogue boxes, error messages, etc.
- Pop-up or pop-under advertising
- Take Over creative that covers over the content or navigationBehavioural targeting and audience data:With the goal of ensuring relevance in rapidly changing global advertising markets, Boxun finds it necessary to allow advertisers to use behavioural targeting. As such, audience data is collected from our website for the purpose of targeting advertisements more precisely to our visitors.Any visitor not wishing data to be gathered from our website or any other website should adjust their browser settings accordingly and available online tools that track and remove cookies. In addition, Boxun supports ad industry processes to protect privacy based around IAB (Internet Advertising Bureau) principles.