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39 people are still missing in Changsha building collapse case and 9 people have been arrested

39 people are still missing in Changsha building collapse case and 9 people have been arrested

Changsha building collapse belongs to the old house, located in Changsha Wangcheng District jinshanqiao street Jinping community Panshuwan, adjacent to changsha Medical College. The exact cause of the collapse is…

Will Twitter change in the future after Elon Musk buys it?

Will Twitter change in the future after Elon Musk buys it?

Tesla chief Executive Elon Musk, the world’s richest man, has bought Twitter for $44bn (£35bn), saying he is committed to creating a free social platform. The acquisition has twitter users…

The Hong Kong Foreign Correspondents’ Association has suspended its human rights journalism awards

The Hong Kong Foreign Correspondents’ Association has suspended its human rights journalism awards

Hong Kong’s Human Rights journalism Awards, established to honor reporting on human rights issues, are facing closure. The organizers, the Foreign Correspondents’ Association of Hong Kong (FCC), announced on April…

The outbreak in Shanghai has prompted many parts of China to implement strict containment measures

The outbreak in Shanghai has prompted many parts of China to implement strict containment measures

A single confirmed case of the coronavirus among the city of 2.4 million inhabitants was enough for the local authorities to seal off Wuhu, a city nestled between farmlands in…

Deaths have been reported since Shanghai was shut down

Deaths have been reported since Shanghai was shut down

The Shanghai Municipal Health Commission announced three new local deaths from COVID-19. Shanghai officials had already announced the deaths on Monday. It was the first new death reported in China’s…

Zelensky :Ukraine will win this war against Russian aggression

Zelensky :Ukraine will win this war against Russian aggression

In an interview with CNN’s journalist Jake Tapper on “State of the Union,” Ukraine president Zelensky was asked: “The Russian ship Moskva, the Ukrainian soldier, told him: ‘Fxxk you! ‘the…

Casualties continue to be reported in eastern City of Ukrain

Casualties continue to be reported in eastern City of Ukrain

Eighteen people have been killed and 100 wounded in shelling in the northeastern city of Kharkiv over the past four days, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Sunday night, as fighting…

HK’s administrative secretary will remain in office until a new team takes office in July Carrie Lam: No big impact on work

HK’s administrative secretary will remain in office until a new team takes office in July  Carrie Lam: No big impact on work

More than a week after the Hong Kong government’s no. 2 official, Lee Ka-chiu, resigned as administrative secretary to run for the next chief executive, Carrie Lam announced that she…

Dynamic zero behind Shanghai, the secondary tragedy emerge one after another

Dynamic zero behind Shanghai, the secondary tragedy emerge one after another

More than a month has passed since the lockdown of Shanghai, an economic powerhouse of China with a population of 24 million, and the status of Shanghai residents has been…

Shanghai’s anti-epidemic program postponed People need falling new numbers and stable supplies, not present a false appearance of peace and stability

Shanghai’s anti-epidemic program postponed People need falling new numbers and stable supplies, not present a false appearance of peace and stability

Amid the controversy over the worsening epidemic in Shanghai, Dragon TV announced on April 13 that it would postpone the broadcast of its special program “Unite as One To Defend…

Six PLA Air Force Y-20 jet transport planes have been spotted north of Istanbul

Six PLA Air Force Y-20 jet transport planes have been spotted north of Istanbul

Six Chinese AIR Force Y-20 jet transport planes flew west towards Serbia on Friday night via Turkish airspace, according to a website called Pakistan Defence, citing a report on Saturday,…

Go Back to Jesus

Go Back to Jesus

I have immigrated in Canada since 2010 and I was impressed by the Canadian police 11 years ago. It happened in a Starbucks when my 4 years age son Nuancheng…