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Air Pollution in Beijing

Air Pollution in Beijing

These photos were taken on January 12 in Beijing. Air pollution has been a serious problem in Beijing and other cities in China. But this is a very bad day.…

Chinese-American Faces Trial in China

Chinese-American Faces Trial in China

By ANDREW JACOBS Published: December 22, 2012 BEIJING — As his family tells it, Vincent Wu is an industrious Chinese-American immigrant who sold his family’s suburban Los Angeles home to…

Kenny Wu tries to rescue his father Vincent Wu-a citizen of US, arrested and tortured by Chinese authorities illegally

Kenny Wu tries to rescue his father Vincent Wu-a citizen of US, arrested and tortured by Chinese authorities illegally

Video:Children have to cross the cold water to go to school

Video:Children have to cross the cold water to go to school

This is a village that surrounded by a river, they have to cross the cold water each day. Where is the government? Governments have huge buildings but leave people to…

Sculptor-turned freedom fighter wants to help Syrian oppressed people

Sculptor-turned freedom fighter wants to help Syrian oppressed people

http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10851384 A New Zealand man has joined rebels on the frontline of the fight against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, and says he is ready to die for the cause. Weiming…

1.48 Million Guards in Beijing for 18th Chinese Communist Party Congress

1.48 Million Guards in Beijing for 18th Chinese Communist Party Congress

18th Chinese Communist Party Congress will end today as November 14, 2012. According to the official report, Beijing organized 1.48 million guards forces to secure the conference. This video was…

Jon M. Huntsman delivered 2012 Weil Lecture Nov. 12 in UNC

Jon M. Huntsman delivered 2012 Weil Lecture Nov. 12 in UNC

Jon M. Huntsman, former governor of Utah and U.S. ambassador to China, delivered the Weil Lecture on American Citizenship at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The free…

New Chinese Leaders Confirmed

There has been many speculations on who will be the next generation of Chinese leaders. On Novemeber 8, Boxun received lists of names with positions and published on the same…

Famous Artist Chen Weiming Joined the Anti-Government Army of Syria

Famous Artist Chen Weiming Joined the Anti-Government Army of Syria

Chen Weiming, a famous artist fighting for Chinese democracy for years, left New York for Turkey on October 14th. Chen held a brief press conference before departure (video). Chen Weiming…

Armed police force training in Beijing/video

Armed police force training in Beijing/video

This video is from late Sepetember 2012, a group of armed police force was trained. The training is more like fight in battle field.…

Anti-Japan protests across China

Anti-Japan protests across China

(9/15/2012) Many cities in China have anti-China protests. Japanese cars are smashed in some cities. In XiAn, there may be over a dozen Japanese cars destroyed by protesters. It is…

Campus Beauty Contest in Wuhan: Breasts Sizes Are Measured

Campus Beauty Contest in Wuhan: Breasts Sizes Are Measured

Wuhan is one of the biggest cities in China, home to dozens of universities. The annual beauty contest will select the 10 most beautiful girls from universities. The committee has…