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Letter smuggled out in a shoe exposes fake brand-name products produced in prison

Posted by on 2015/04/28. Filed under Breaking News,China. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

(BOXUN) Dong’ge Village, Haikou Township, Fuqing City, Fujian Province: Fifteen years ago, Chen Shangkun was sentenced to life in prison. The reason was his involvement in a brawl involving other villagers. At that time he’d just gotten married and had a son. He serves his sentence in Jianyang Prison in Fujian Province.

Chen Shangkun recently wrote a message and concealed it in his shoe insole. The message revealed that in the prison they’re forced to work in a hidden assembly line and produce fake brand-name dress pants and short pants for export to Africa and America.

Chen Shangkun preaches the Christian gospel to other prisoners. He also has used the small amount he makes in prison to pay someone to illegally transport Bibles, but each time they were confiscated by the guards. Every time he leads other Christian prisoners in worship gatherings, it’s considered an “illegal gathering” by the government resulting in disciplinary sanction. This is why Chen’s sentence hasn’t been reduced.
Boxun also received testimonial from a few released inmates exposing a few brand names produced from this prison:

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