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Police beat and injure many members of a funeral procession

Posted by on 2014/09/26. Filed under Breaking News,China. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

In Luliang County, Qujing City, Yunnan Province a funeral procession was disrupted and attacked by police, injuring many. On Monday September 22, 2014 in Luliang County, Yunnan Province after a Christian died, the family members were according with religious tradition and carrying his corpse to the cemetery. They met up with some men blocking the road, after a brief argument the men left. Around noon they came back, approximately 50 men wearing police uniforms, carrying iron clubs, began attacking the funeral procession, smashing cell phoes, destroying two cars belonging to the funeral procession, resulting in the hospitalization of many family members, including one family member who was handcuffed and beaten until his bones were fractured. A family member of the dead man said: Three minivans without license plates were blocking the road. Each van had more than ten people in it. These men had iron rods and wooden clubs. As soon as they got out of the vans they began beating us. We sent my older male cousin to talk to them and he was beaten most savagely. He was handcuffed and then beaten until both his hands were broken and his leg is injured worst of all. http://news.boxun.com/news/gb/china/2014/09/201409240611.shtml

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