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Yunnan Province Qiaojia County earthquake disaster victims protest and are beaten and arrested

Posted by on 2014/09/19. Filed under China,Headline News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

Baogunao Township, Qiaojia County, Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province earthquake disaster victims protesting at government concealment of the disaster conditions and perfunctory disaster relief efforts were beaten by a large number of police and arrested. On the afternoon of Monday September 15, 2014 provincial officials went to the resettlement area to inspect the disaster conditions. Local government dispatched people to run off the villagers seeking to talk to the provincial officials, and a large contingent of police beat and arrested them. Many villagers were injured, with one elderly villager seriously injured.

On Monday September 15, 2014 provincial officials went to inspect the disaster conditions. The earthquake victims were seeking to talk to them. But government-hired thugs blocked the roads, and when the villagers kneeled on the ground and cried for mercy they were beaten.

All the residences in the village were destroyed. The local government didn’t report the damage accurately, instead only partially reported the damage. When the villagers demanded accurate reporting, they were berated by the local government and accused of exaggerating the damage.




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