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At least five killed in Changsha

Posted by on 2014/03/14. Filed under China,Headline News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

(Changsha, China) At about 10 a.m. on March 14, a fight involving Uighurs killed at least five people. Official news reports say that it was domestic violence.  Police shot at least one dead, one was arrest, but a few run away.(Report with many photos in Chinese)

Boxun received three pictures showing police arresting anyone who apears to be Uighur in Changsha. The same practice was used after violence in Kunming and Guilin.


Photo: Uighurs arrested in the highway entrance, Changsha, March 14

On March 1st, a group the government says were Uighur separatists attacked people randomly in the railway station of Kunming, killing at least 29 by knives and cleavers. Afterwards, the government ordered searches and arrests of Uighurs in Yunnan Province and beyond. On March 2nd, police reported that Uighurs carrying knives and guns were found in the railway station. On the same day, one lady driving a BMW was stabbed to death. Guilin city then started to search and arrest Uighurs. A Boxun reporter noticed that one Han person helped three Uighurs avoid the police check point.

Photo: Midnight of March 2nd,  searching for Uighurs in Guilin.

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