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A 13 Year Old Girl Was Sent to the Mental Hospital after Being Raped

Posted by on 2013/08/09. Filed under Breaking News,China. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

This girl was raped, she is only 13 year old. The victim’s family asked for the arrest of the criminal, but the Procuratorate refused to issue the order. The man was released after being questioned. He told the police that he did not know her age.

Beijing Youth, Luchuan County, Guangxi: 13 year old girl ran away from home after a dispute with her parents on March 25. She was found on March 26 in the park. She was raped five times in a hotel by a 25 years old man.

The family reported to the police and the man was caught, but he was released after being questioned briefly.

The girl was mentally disrupted after the trauma. Her family complained to the police for not arresting the criminal, but then the police sent the girl to a mental hospital, in handcuffs. The girl went home after receiving treatment from doctors.

After Beijing Youth reported this tragedy, the Luchuan police said that they have put the suspect in custody. This has not been confirmed.

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