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Businessman Executed Without Informing His Family

Posted by on 2013/07/13. Filed under Breaking News,China. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

Zeng Kejie, a businessman from Xiangxi was executed on July 12. His daughter was shocked, as she did not receive any notice.

In 2003, Zeng Kejie won a project to develop the old town of Jishou. The Government authorized borrowing from the public.

In 2008, many projects had been completed, having an estimated market value of 4.5 billion RMB. But the government arrested 22 businessmen, including Zeng Kejie who was charged with raising funds illegally and failing to pay them back. In fact, the value of these projects well exceeded the 202 millions he owed. In 2008, the government sold one of his real estates at 303 million, while its market value was of 2.38 billion.

Zeng was sentensed to death in 2012.

It is not uncommon that businessmen receive death sentences in China, and often officials will grab hold of their billions-worth assets afterwards. Fortune brings unfortune.

Detailed version in Chinese

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