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Taiwan President Ma Yingjiu Thanks Mainland for Typhoon Aid; Why is Beijing Suddenly So Nervous?

Posted by on 2009/09/09. Filed under China. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

By chinafreepress.org (translation)
Sep 9, 2009 – 4:00:02 PM

Taiwan President Ma Yingjiu Thanks Mainland for Typhoon Aid; Why is Beijing Suddenly So Nervous?

Boxun exclusively reports that in recent days its correspondent communicated with a Communist Party Central Committee Propaganda Department leader and discussed Taiwan President Ma Yingjiu’s gratitude for Beijing’s typhoon disaster relief donations of shelters and funds. This would appear to be a desirable development, but it has had negative consequences and mainland media have already been informed to play down the act.

As none of the funds were voluntarily donated by mainland individuals, it was clear that the money was government funds derived from mainland taxpayers, some even being left over funds from the Sichuan earthquake relief. So the leadership became concerned that it would be criticized for this politically sensitive act–when so much needed investment in China goes underfunded–that they ordered this gesture of good faith to Taiwan be hushed up.

Full Chinese report: http://news.boxun.com/news/gb/china/2009/09/200909090235.shtml

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