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By chinafreepress.org (translation)
Aug 2, 2009 – 5:09:18 PM
Boxun reports that the Heilongjiang Province capital of Harbin’s official circles are buzzing with the news that Gai Ruyin is to be named the city’s new Communist Party Secretary. Gai previously worked in Shenyang and has a reputation as a corrupt official. But he is good at currying favor, and got out of Shenyang just before the crackdown that netted corrupt mayor Mu Suixin took place. Gai transferred to Harbin, and has worked as mayor’s assistant, then was mayor of the oil city of Daqing before becoming acting deputy mayor of Harbin. He then went on to become assistant to the governor of Heilongjiang and a deputy governor himself.
After making a fortune through overseeing the profitable oil industry in Daqing, Gai was able to bribe many central leaders. Most recently he is said to have paid 60 million yuan (US$8.8 million) to Communist Party Politburo Standing Committee member and Hu Jintao protege Li Keqiang in exchange for being appointed Communist Party Chief of Harbin.
Full Chinese report: http://news.boxun.com/news/gb/pubvp/2009/08/200908020433.shtml