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By Boxun
Aug 1, 2009 – 4:23:48 PM
After banning Gongmeng and Beijing Yirenping Center, the CCP will soon put its hand on other NGOs, such as Love, Knowledge and Practice Research Institute, Love Without National Boundary, Mr Democracy research Institute, Friends of Migrant Workers.
The authorities will scrutinize their accounts and activities, trying to find slips or oversights, and then penalize them ¡°according to the law¡±.
Or, as a soft tactics, the CCP will incorporate minor, insignificant NGOs into government agencies so as to control them.
To those NGOs which are actually government sponsored, the authorities will grant more power and privileges. The Lawyers Association, for example, will be given the right of annual renewal of the legal license of its members and taking fees from it.
It is obvious that the CCP authorities are becoming more and more omnipresent and omnipotent. Boxun correspondents will follow the developments closely.