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On Monday-Tuesday July 27-28, 2015 there was a series of church cross demolitions in Zhejiang Province’s Wenzhou, Taizhou, Huzhou and other cities. There were at least eleven church cross demolitions. Many Christians were beaten and injured, and many church crosses continue to face demolition. Many Christians continue to defend the crosses day and night.
Video: Christians singing while Cross taken down
On Tuesday July 28, 2015 near Wenzhou City, Pingyang County, Nanyan Township Chihu Church, a hired security force assembled by the local government violently demolished the church cross. That morning a large security force forcibly entered the church, demolished the cross, and violently attacked the church faithful. One person was beaten unconscious, requiring emergency medical treatment and hospitalization.
On Monday-Tuesday July 27-28, 2015, Zhejiang Province Wenzhou City Huling Township Sen’ao Village Gaosen Church, Wenzhou City Xiasen Church, Wenzhou City Pingyang County South Shuitou Lake Church, Wenzhou City Pingyang County Mabu Township Sabbath Church, Wenzhou City Pingyang County Taoyuan Township christian congregation, Wenzhou City Pingyang County Chi Lake Church, Wenzhou City Longwan District Jincen Catholic Church, Wenzhou City Leqing County Ledong Pastoral Area Shamen Church, Wenzhou City Leqing County Dajing Pastoral Area Nan’ge Church, Huzhou City Shanlian Township Church, Taizhou City Yuhuan County Puqing Church crosses were forcibly demolished.
At the same time, Wenzhou City Cangnan County Longgong Township People’s Avenue Catholic Church, Wenzhou City Pingyang County Zongfeng District Mache Church, Songbu Church and other church crosses faced demolition. Many Christians defend the crosses day and night.
On Monday July 27, 2015 Zhejiang Cangnan County Three-Self Patriotic Movement (Protestant Church) Committee issued an open letter appealing for a halt to violent demolition of church crosses: “For the past several days, my county’s Christian churches have received verbal notification of a ‘strict new limit on church crosses.’ This has given rise to tremendous indignation and resentment on the part of Christians. The county held a two Christian organizations (Three-Self Patriotic Movement of the Protestant Churches in China and the China Christian Council) Standing Committee meeting and unanimously decided to strongly urge the County Communist Party Committee and County government to immediate halt this brazen illegal demolition of church crosses. ”
Regarding the cross demolitions, the open letter stated: “This kind administrative measure punishing religious activity is not only absurd in theory, but is foolish in practice. This kind of whimsical and violent political action abuses power and damages the credibility of the Chinese Communist Party and the PRC.”