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By chinafreepress.org (translation)
Aug 3, 2009 – 8:06:04 PM
Boxun reports that since the events of July 5 tension between Han Chinese and Uighurs have sharpened. This is connected to the one-sided government propaganda which portrays Uighurs as blood-thirsty monsters. China should reflect deeply on its ethnic conflicts and the source of them, and the government should not see dark conspiracies in every event of this type.
This video reports on a Uighur street peddler in Qingdao who was attacked by a group of Northeastern Han Chinese. They first beat him and then stabbed him with a knife. There are many similar incidents happening all over China to innocent people.
Full Chinese report: http://news.boxun.com/news/gb/china/2009/08/200908040016.shtml