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By chinafreepress.org (translation)
Jul 24, 2009 – 10:08:39 AM
Boxun reports that the offspring of a high-ranking Communist Party official has revealed that in addition to deep-seated ethnic conflicts, an additional cause of the Xinjiang unrest was the power struggle within the Communist Party leadership.
As the 18th Communist Party Congress approaches, Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao are jockeying for position. Jiang wants to make sure that his designated heirs under the leadership of Xi Jingping smoothly transitions into their anointed leadership positions. But Hu is not sitting back idly. He attacked in the form of the prosecution of former Shenzhen mayor Xu Zongheng for buying his official position. But it has not been mentioned that the seller of this position is Jiang Zemin’s concubine Huang Liman.
Hu Jintao and Jiang Zemin have reconfirmed their agreement to get along and continue their harmonizing society efforts. At the recent Central Committee Politburo meeting, a position was established. It was agreed that Hu could prosecute former Shenzhen mayor Xu Zongheng for buying his official position, but that the question of who sold him his position could not be broached. Jiang Zemin required that his appointed heir Xin Jinping should smoothly take over Hu’s duties, and Jiang would ensure Hu’s final years in office go smoothly.
Full Chinese report: http://news.boxun.com/news/gb/china/2009/07/200907241223.shtml